FLAMIN Animations 2022-2023

FLAMIN Animations

Composite of FLAMIN Animation 2022-2023 artists. Top left to bottom right: Isabel Barfod, Ruby Stoyle [ADORABAEL], Lamide Olusegun, Laina Deene

The four artists commissioned for the second edition of FLAMIN Animations explore a diverse range of approaches to the moving image, from glossy CGI and digital animation to stop-motion models and frame-by-frame drawings. The works in development include a poetic portrait of the landscape of Dungeness, a deep dive into the world of desire in the digital age, and a critical engagement with the vulnerability and visibility experienced by a Black Queer femme in a Victorian swimming pool.

FLAMIN Animations 2022-2023 commissions

Isabel Barfod, A Float (2023), excerpt

Laina Deene, Tender Wasteland (2023), excerpt

Lamide Olusegun, Cereal Box (2023), excerpt

Ruby Stoyle, Mixed Signals (2023), excerpt

FLAMIN Animations 2022-2023 artists