Laina Deene
- Website:
I am an illustrator and animator based in Sussex. My work focuses mainly on nature, location and writing, using books and places as a source of inspiration. I like to explore these personal themes through soft and naive materials such as gouache paints and pencils, or when using digital, rough-textured brushes to try and convey feeling and tenderness.

Portrait of Laina Deene
Watch: Laina Deene, Tender Wasteland (2023)

Laina Deene, Dungeness (2022), digital collage

Laina Deene, Italian landscape from memory (2021), gouache, pastel and pencil on paper

Laina Deene, Italian fields from memory (2021), pastel and pencil on paper

Laina Deene, Kiss (2021), pencil on paper with digitlal colouring

Laina Deene, Bad Dream (2021), pencil on paper with digital editing

Laina Deene, Sketchbook (2022), pencils on paper
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