Ruby Stoyle
- Website:
I'm a 3D artist and recent LCC graduate based in London. My artistic journey has led to my current focus which is to exacerbate and expose the link between the digital and the physical. In my practice, I manipulate 3D models, simulations and polygons, and merge them with photographic media, seeking out a hybrid space between realism and artificiality. My work embodies ethereal and surrealist visions, as well as Posthuman ideas of the self. Utilising CGI avatars as an example of the virtual self, I attempt to reveal how our more carnal, human desires are manifested in the digital.

Portrait of Ruby Stoyle
Watch: Ruby Stoyle, Mixed Signals (2023)

Ruby Stoyle S(T)IMULATE ME (2022), video still

Ruby Stoyle, Amorphous (2021)
Ruby Stoyle, _unk (2021)

Ruby Stoyle, SHOWN (2022)

Ruby Stoyle, CONSUMPTION (2021), MP4/NFT
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