Saul Pankhurst
- Website: https://saulpankhurst.co.uk/
Saul Pankhurst is an artist and filmmaker based in London, working across documentary, animation, photography and collage. Saul's work with the interdisciplinary FilmMedicine Research Group at the University of Edinburgh has informed a highly collaborative approach to documentary, which looks to scrutinise both the role of the filmmaker and the complex ethical questions involved when representing the stories of others. Saul’s current project Touch Type looks at the threatened survival of manual letterpress printing to consider our relationship with language in the digital age.
His work has been shown at national and international festivals including: Alchemy Arts Festival, Hawick, UK; Ann Arbor Film Festival, Michigan, USA; Raindance Film Festival, London, UK; London International Animation Festival, UK; Glasgow Short Film Festival, UK; Flatpack Festival, Birmingham, UK; and Aesthetica Short Film Festival, York, UK.

Portrait of Saul Pankhurst

Saul Pankhurst, Touch Type (2023), production still

Saul Pankhurst, Touch Type (2023), production still
Video: Saul Pankhurst, To Do (2022), excerpt

Saul Pankhurst, To Do (2022), still

Saul Pankhurst, To Do (2022), film still
Video: Saul Pankhurst, Unknown Hand (2021), excerpt

Saul Pankhurst, Unknown Hand (2021), still

Saul Pankhurst, Unknown Hand (2021), still

Saul Pankhurst, The Witch and the Red Magic Grape (2021), still

Saul Pankhurst, The Witch and the Red Magic Grape (2021), still