Guy Oliver
- Website: http://www.guyoliver.co.uk/
Guy Oliver’s moving image work is rooted within a framework of self-portraiture, and explores notions of masculinity, identity, comedy and tragedy, taking a highly personal but irreverent working approach. The work integrates and then dissects areas of popular culture: cinema, sport, politics, popular music, stand-up comedy and art history act as the recurring subject matter. Recent presentations include Jerwood/FVU Awards 2020, London and Art Night.

Portrait of Guy Oliver. Photo by Hydar Dewachi
Video: Guy Oliver Jarman Award 2021 shortlisted artist profile interview
Video: You Know Nothing of my Work, 2020 (excerpt)

Guy Oliver, You Know Nothing of my Work (2020), installation view at Jerwood Space, London. Courtesy of the artist, Film and Video Umbrella and Jerwood Arts

Guy Oliver, You Know Nothing of my Work (2020), video still. Courtesy of the artist, Film and Video Umbrella and Jerwood Arts
Video: The Year Everyone Died, 2020 (excerpt)

Guy Oliver, And You Thought I was Bad? (2018), video still. Courtesy of the artist
Video: Culture Caveat (Two-Thousand and Late), 2019 (excerpt)

Guy Oliver, Culture Caveat (Two-Thousand and Late) (2018), image from performance. Photo credit: Anastasia Alekseeva