Selected 1
About Selected
Sebastian Buerkner, Album Matter (2010), video still. Courtesy of the artist
Selected brings together some of the best work from early career film and video artists from the UK in a vibrant programme of recent artists’ moving image.
Shortlisted artists for the 2010 Film London Jarman Award – Ben Rivers, Emily Wardill, Zineb Sedira and Spartacus Chetwynd – nominated work by up-and-coming, fresh filmmaking talent, to develop an invigorating new programme.
Artists featured in the Selected 3 programme
Gabriel Abrantes & Daniel Schmidt
Zoe Brown
Sebastian Buerkner
Joel Furness
Mikhail Karikis & Uriel Orlow
Piotr Krzymowski
Asta Lynge
Chooc Ly Tan
Michael Robinson
Ben Russell
Tilly Shiner
Selected is produced by videoclub