There are different rules surrounding shooting buildings, public places, objects, people, children and animals. But whatever or whoever you're filming, you need to make sure it is legal.

Filming Permission

Before you start filming, it is likely that you will need to get permission from the land or building owner. To find out more about permissions please visit our Get Permission pages

Filming People

There are several rights which apply to the use of a person’s image which filmmakers should consider, particularly when filming in the street within London or the UK. Read our guide to find out more about privacy, data protection, defamation, consent and practical tips for filmmakers.

Find out about Filming People

Filming Buildings

There are various legal issues to consider when filming buildings in London and the UK. Read our guide to find out about trademarks and logos, defamation, passing off, light displays, iconic buildings, and practical tips for filmmakers shooting buildings.

Find out about Filming Buildings

Media Insurance

All UK productions need Public Liability Insurance in order to receive permission to film or carry out commercial photography, which should be obtained in the earliest stages of pre-production. Find out what you will need and check our list of insurance company contacts.

Find out about Media Insurance

Working with the Police

Under certain circumstance you will need to get in contact with the Metropolitan Police Service Film Unit (MPSFU). This is particularly important if you are filming with fake weapons, emergency vehicles or uniforms, recreating crimes or filming with vehicles. Visit our Working with the Police pages for more information

Child Performance Licences

If you are filming or working with children of compulsory school age it is important that you check whether the actor will require a Child Performance Licence.

Find out about Child Performance Licences.

Statutory Obligations

Read the Film London Code of Practice and check the relevant obligations closely to ensure that you operate within the law.

Download the Code of Practice for Location Filming

Minimum Wage Regulations

If you intend to employ crew, volunteers, unpaid workers or offer work experience opportunities, ensure that you are familiar with the National Minimum Wage regulations and National Living Wage rates.

Find out more at GOV.UK


All stunts should be under the direct supervision of a recognised British Stunt Register (BSR) Action Coordinator or a person of similar experience *

Stunt professionals from overseas working with British teams should be well practised in the filming conventions and language of the British film and television industry or it may be necessary to use a British-trained stunt coordinator to ensure the safest performance and most effective results.

No member of production crew or acting cast may dictate who is cast in a stunt role when the stunt coordinator has doubts about their suitability and competence for the performance. If the stunt coordinator has such qualms and is under duress to proceed on location regardless, they should report their concerns to the Film Contact immediately: safety is paramount for all cast and crew and the general public.

* A person of similar experience to a British Stunt Register Coordinator may be deemed so by the production company if they are satisfied that the person can fulfil the following criteria:

- Was a graded and paid up Full Member of the former JISC, at its dissolution in 2017
(The BSR office may be able to help if confirmation is required).


- Has undertaken Health & Safety training as befits their supervisory and creative role. Training has been taken or refreshed no longer than 5 years prior and the person has worked regularly supervising stunt action.

OR, can prove all of the following:

- Has undertaken Health & Safety training as befits their supervisory and creative role. Training has been taken or refreshed no longer than 5 years prior and the person has worked regularly supervising stunt action.

- Must be familiar with UK Health & Safety regulations.

- Their abilities are graded or recognised by a body with a methodology and process that can be verified.

- Has proven experience in performing and coordinating comparable stunts as will be filmed on the day. In the event that it has never been done before, the stunt coordinator should consult with or employ an expert with relative knowledge.

- Has demonstrated thorough risk assessment skills and effective application of control measures on other productions.

- The person can demonstrate an understanding of the differing degrees of applicable skills that will be required of their stunt team.

JISC: The former Joint Industry Stunt Committee whose members were graded by JIGS (the Joint Industry Grading Scheme). The core of the British Stunt Register grading scheme is based on the former JISC grade model, it has been updated and incorporates H&S training as a mandatory condition of BSR membership.

For more information on stunts Download the Code of Practice for Location Filming

Confirm British Stunt Register Membership Status
Understand the Stunt Grade Scheme
BSR Website | BSR Office: 01753 652 821 |

Depictions of Suicide

The Samaritans has produced guidance that productions are encouraged to follow when filming any scenes portraying suicide and self-harm.

Guidelines can be accessed here: Samaritans' Media Guidelines

Contact for more information.

Health & Safety and Mental Health

Depending on the content being filmed, productions should also consider:

There are mental health and welfare resources available to productions, including: