Training, accommodation and travel bursaries

News Story

Members of Film Hub London can access a range of funding and training opportunities designed to help achieve the Hub's aim of expanding cinema provision and engagement across the capital.

The Film Hub London Training, Travel & Accommodation Bursary scheme is here to assist staff and volunteers of our member organisations to enhance their professionals development for the benefit of themselves and their organisations with the ultimate aim of boosting and diversifying audiences.

How much support can I get?

We offer bursaries of up to £300. Those travelling by train, bus or ferry to BFI FAN CON will be eligible to apply for up to £500 We can cover:

  • Up to 70% of course/accreditation fees
  • Up to 50% of travel and accommodation costs (those travelling by train, bus or ferry to BFI FAN CON will be eligible to apply for up to 100% of their travel and accommodation)

Please note:

  • We cannot cover food and subsistence costs.
  • We no longer support activity that requires air travel unless there are exceptional circumstances. Please outline your plans for transport in your bursary application.
  • Travel for bursaries is normally considered to and from Greater London, in line with our FAN Hub area coverage and our membership.

Film Hub London has a total of £3,285 available for the period April 2024-March 2025. Bursaries are in very high demand so please only apply for the amount that you require.

Who can apply for a Bursary?

Staff members and volunteers of Film Hub London member organisations only.

Applicants that have not previously received support through the bursary scheme will take priority over previous awardees.

We are unlikely to support:

  • a previous bursary recipient to take part in the same activity more than once
  • more than one person per organisation to participate in a particular development opportunity.

However, if you can make a strong case for support in these circumstances, your application will be considered.

How can I apply for a Bursary?

Please take the time to fully read our Training, Travel and Accommodation Bursary Guidance before applying. Applications can be made through our online application form.

Applications are collated and assessed at the end of each calendar month. It’s in your interest to make sure that your application is in by the end of the month prior to your activity commencing at the latest.

Applications will then be assessed and we will endeavour to let applicants know if their application has been successful within the first 10 working days of the month.

If your application is successful, you will need to submit a report on your activity as well as evidence of your attendance at the named activity and evidence of your expenditure.

We may publish this report in order to disseminate useful information and to promote best practice more widely. Reports will be published and shared anonymously unless you consent to the use of your name and organisation details for this express purpose.

If you have any questions about the Training, Travel and Accommodation Bursary scheme or on Film Hub London membership please contact us on or 020 7613 7697.


The first BFI FAN CON will take place in Belfast at Queen’s Film Theatre (QFT) and Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). Cinemas and film exhibitors from across the UK will gather to strengthen their professional networks, learn about some of the most exciting FAN projects, and draw inspiration on new ways to reach and engage audiences in a diverse screen culture.

We encourage Film Hub London Members to attend but to encourage environmentally sustainable travel, those travelling by train, bus or ferry will be eligible to apply for up to £500 covering up to 100% of their travel and accommodation. Applications to travel by air will be considered within the usual guidelines of the bursary.