Partnership Agreement

News Story

Purpose of the Partnership

This document constitutes a partnership between the moving image production industry and all public and private sector stakeholders affected by location filming in London, including those representing London's citizens. All the signatories to this partnership are working with Film London to achieve the objectives set out below.

All signatories are expected to work within the letter and spirit of this document and the Code of Practice and to abide by agreed best practice in these texts. This is in addition to the statutory obligations which apply to all filmmaking activity.

The partnership is designed to demonstrate that London is a film-friendly city. This means ensuring that London is a place where location filming can be conducted efficiently and successfully thereby delivering the significant economic benefits associated with filming (including local employment and tourism) while also being sensitive to the needs of those who live and work in London.

The partnership will ensure that London's citizens enjoy the economic benefits of filming in London while minimising inconvenience to them.

In signing this document we recognise the importance of the moving pictures industries to London and we agree to use our best efforts to abide by and maintain its terms.

Status of the Partnership

This partnership will have no legal status, but, in signing up to it, all parties recognise its importance and agree that that they will devote best efforts to abide by all its terms.

Objectives of the Partnership

We, the thirty three Local Authorities, who are signatories to the partnership, undertake to make our collective best efforts to ensure that London is film-friendly and wherever possible to provide the appropriate human and financial resources and to adhere to the shared values set out in this document and the Best Practice Recommendations;

We, the public and private organisations in London, who are signatories to this partnership undertake to make our collective best efforts to ensure that London is film-friendly and wherever possible to provide the appropriate human and financial resources to deliver this objective and adhere to the shared values set out in this document;

We, the moving image production industries, who are signatories to this partnership undertake to make our collective best efforts to ensure that we adhere to the shared values set out in this document and adhere to the Code of Practice;

We, Film London, who are a signatory to this partnership undertake to make our best effort to ensure we monitor and maintain the working relationships which constitute the basis of the partnership and to ensure that the skills needs of personnel within the partnership are supported through a comprehensive training and development plan.

Data Collection Protocols

The purpose of data collection is to ensure that all stakeholders have the information and data which enable them to demonstrate the economic and cultural benefits of moving image production in London.

The stakeholders will collect the information and supply it to Film London, who will receive, analyse, collate and return the information to the various stakeholders in a consistent form.

We undertake to treat information received in strictest confidence where required.

Communication Protocols

All sectors involved in location filming in London will develop a comprehensive understanding of each other's remits and are willing to co-operate freely to ensure that improved communication lies at the heart of this process.

Film London undertakes to play a significant role in brokering improved long-term relationships between the industry, local authorities and organisations.

Consultation should be undertaken with local citizens and/or their representatives in respect of location filming in all cases where appropriate.

The moving image industries recognise that their production activity impacts on a number of organisations and communities in the capital and undertake to openly communicate with them all in co-operation with the other signatories.

The boroughs and agencies recognise that well managed film and television productions provide positive benefits for their area or property, whether through direct financial gain, secondary income generated in the local area, employment, increased tourism or cultural engagement of the local community.

Recognising the Partnership

As signatories, all agree that wherever possible and subject always to the signatories own policies and rules, there should be an appropriate recognition/acknowledgement on the credits or on an appropriate website.

  • any agency, organisation or borough which has offered significant support to a production; and,
  • any location which had at least one full days filming during a production.

Monitoring of the Partnership

Film London will act as the focal point for the sharing of knowledge and information relating to the extent to which the letter and spirit of the partnership are being implemented. Film London will develop a mediation service to resolve any disputes arising from location filming in London and set up a 24 hour filming information phone line.

Review of the Partnership

The partnership will be reviewed once a year by a group, chaired by Film London, representing all stakeholders. This group will undertake an annual survey which will examine examples of good and bad practice for a range of different types of production across London.

Shared values

The moving image production industries, Film London and the private and public stakeholders who are signatories to this partnership are committed to an ethos of partnership which is based on our shared values.

We are committed to:

  • conducting ourselves in a professional and reasonable manner at all times;
  • act in a honest and ethical fashion;
  • act in the most efficient and timely manner possible;
  • openness and transparency in all our dealings;
  • developing a skilled and professional workforce by ensuring the highest standards of training and education for all personnel within the partnership supporting location filming in London.

We will:

  • accept responsibility for all our actions;
  • exercise tolerance at all times;
  • ensure that we foster mutual trust so that this is placed at the heart of all our dealings;
  • undertake to use best endeavours to be flexible and accommodate the needs of others;
  • ensure that our actions and behaviour will be proportionate; and,
  • be accountable for our actions.

We accept that we have a duty to respect and to be responsive to the needs and desires of others.

Signatories to the Partnership

All signatories to the partnership have parity of esteem.

View our current partners.