Morgan Quaintance
- Website: https://morganquaintance.com/
Morgan Quaintance is a London-based artist and writer. His moving image work has been shown and exhibited widely at festivals and institutions including MoMA (New York), McEvoy Foundation for the Arts (San Francisco), Konsthall C (Sweden), David Dale (Glasgow) European Media Art Festival (Germany), Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival (Scotland), Images Festival (Toronto), International Film Festival Rotterdam and Third Horizon Film Festival (Miami). He is the recipient of the ARTE Award at Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg and the 2021 Best Documentary Short Film Award at Tacoma Film Festival, USA and the UK Short Film Award at Open City Documentary Film Festival, London.

Portrait of Morgan Quaintance
Video: Morgan Quaintance Jarman Award 2022 interview
Video: A Human Certainty, 2021 (excerpt)

Morgan Quaintance, Early Years (2019), film still

Morgan Quaintance, A Human Certainty (2021), film still
Video: South (2020), excerpt

Morgan Quaintance, A Human Certainty (2021), film still

Morgan Quaintance, Missing Time (2019), film still
Video: Letter from Dakar (2019), excerpt

Morgan Quaintance, Letter from Dakar (2019), film still