Film London Connect Mentees

Welcome to Film London’s Connect Mentoring Programme. Mentoring can be a powerful way to find support for people who want to focus on their career development and make decisions about their next steps. It can genuinely be a life-changing experience for the mentees and mentors.

Film London Connect is designed specifically for members of our Equal Access Network (EAN). To be eligible for the programme you must also be aged 18-24 and be a new or early film industry entrant. Please note too that we will be prioritising applications from individuals identifying as being from global majority and/or under-represented groups including disabled, neurodivergent and working class individuals.

Every mentoring relationship is different, but it's important to be aware that mentors are not obliged to offer traineeships or work to their mentees, to offer therapy or to have all the answers! We know that working in the film industry requires long hours and flexibility so the expectation will be for you as the mentee to contact your mentor directly (once you have been formally introduced to them) to schedule the meetings at a mutually convenient time.

As a mentee you will be offered training, advice, guidance and access to a suite of resources by the mentoring team and we will work with you throughout the length of the 6 month programme. We aim to match with you a mentor that shares your interests and the industry knowledge and skillset you are looking to gain as far as possible. The mentors role will be to share insight, information, advice, and guidance with you the mentee, to help you to achieve your goal(s).

Please be advised, that this is an unpaid opportunity, which will require a minimum of six hours over a six month period, per mentee and mentor pairing. If you are in agreement with this, please proceed below.

Applications are now open until Friday 28th June at 5pm

Due to the volume of applications we receive we will unfortunately not be able to respond to those that are unsuccessful.