Cine-Real Presents: Up in Smoke

What's on
  • location: Castle Cinema
  • Date & time:

Cine-real is one of the only film clubs in the UK to exclusively play films from original 16mm prints. They are a non-profit organisation which aims to unite film makers and enthusiasts in their appreciation of classic film.

They are excited to host a special 16mm film screening of the 1978 cult-classic Up In Smoke. Directed by Lou Adler and starring Cheech Marin, Tommy Chong, it is Cheech & Chong's first feature-length film. Book your ticket now to join for a screening + intro and watch two stoners unknowingly smuggle a van - made entirely of marijuana - from Mexico to L.A., with incompetent Sgt. Stedenko on their trail.

Venues & Dates